This article for Authors’ Lounge is the first one I have written about my book “The Unwanted Gifts.”


What inspired you to write the book?

I almost had to write the book! It was me coming to terms with myself and my views and interests, some of which are taboo to the social norm, involving erotic art and stories. People have always frustrated me, they always know more than you do, can see exactly what the problems are with you or the way you do things, and feel the need to give you ADVICE! This means in effect that you end up being ‘told what to do’ or ‘how you should change’ to make yourself more acceptable to the world, which I detest acutely. I have been forced to live by the motto “Don’t tell me what to do and I won’t tell you!” I, like order and have a lot of eccentricities”, the book is basically semi-biographical. I let the readers decide which parts of the lead character Alec Davidson might be me and which parts are fictional. I also wrote the book and made it graphically true to the moment as if describing fully the scene before you as I like things to be true to the events. 


What is your book all about?

The book “The Unwanted Gifts” is simply about people being allowed to be what they want to be and being supported to find who they wish to become without being judged or criticized. It started out as a single A4 page with my trusty fountain pen, but as always happens with me, it ended up being a piece of 215,000 words and initially 574 pages when it got a BIT out of hand. It set out to answer, various simple questions found in all relationships. “I would do anything for you?” and “All relationships involving two people are equal?”. In my experience of viewing couples, people would not do anything for the other unless they really wanted too, not because they were asked too, therefore in many relationships it would never happen. Relationships are rarely equal, one person usually dominating what happens to the point where they almost dictate what a person thinks, says or does, or at least not allowing the other to voice their own opinion without remark. The book sets out to question whether supposed unequal relationships are more equal than normal ones. I originally wrote the book in the third person as I am told you are supposed too, but I couldn’t get a high enough level of  emotion, passion, anger, or intimacy, so after a month of writing the first half a dozen chapter’s I re-wrote the book from the lead character’s point of view, which caused some problems with editing later because the dialogue was often still in the third person between the characters. I originally wrote the book as a story of a couple Alec and Freya, but I required more characters to answer many outstanding questions, so it ended up involving Katherine and Joanne too in loving, supportive, and very intimate relationships. I tried to write the book toning down the sexually explicit and bondage scenes, but it caused a total imbalance in the book, so I was almost forced to write them as graphically as I write everything else, stating ever blemish and flaw in the scene. I almost didn’t send the book to a publisher as it would be difficult to market because of its graphic content, but as ever I wrote it and was proud of it, so I sent it off and got it published at the first attempt without many alterations or any chapters being removed.


What is your target audience for the book?


18+-100, you wouldn’t want to read my book comfortably if you were not an adult at least mentally, with some real-life experiences.


What do you hope readers could get out from your book?

I hope that despite the extreme substance of the book, people will question the relationships they have and the relationships the people around them have. I am just putting forward theories, I am not and will never say I am right, I make as many mistakes as anyone else and only really write to ask questions and argue with myself about my views and short comings. The fact that readers can be asked the same questions is just a bonus. I make no real conclusions to my arguments or theories I just want, no demand, that I make them of myself to get to know myself better. 


Something more about yourself?

I live in a market town in Lincolnshire in England. I am married and we have a cat and a hamster. I was an automotive historian in my leisure time until the act of proving things became too restrictive. I then decided to write down fully the many characters that I had created and jotted down in the last thirty years and created the book “The Unwanted Gifts.” I like playing guitar and listening to music, I am always trying to find new music to listen to by new artists I have not discovered yet. My computer currently contains 15,000 songs and a playlist of 5,000 songs, imaginatively called “Top Tracks”. I like taking photographs of classic cars 1885-1999, and occasionally when the opportunity presents itself cars and women too. I am no Reinfried Marrass, the photographer whose pictures I love, and use his philosophy of using only the available light and no flashes or additional lighting, this would give me too many options and I like the simplicity of “What you see is what you get”. My natural habitat could be a car show investigating enthusiastically what gems and photographic opportunities lay ahead. I also like taking pictures of Victorian and Edwardian building because of the beauty in their architecture.


The article in all its glory is available at @

It is available at

or at austinmacauley .com/book/unwanted-gifts

I have a Face Book Page and Instagram account both at


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