I have just crossed 100 followers on my Face Book Page, twice what I have on Instagram, being concise is not my thing, some of those with whom I interact daily may have noticed? This key fob sums my attitude up! My wife bought this and gave it me! I don’t stop or give up and I don’t know the meaning of the word NO or it can’t be done! My greatest quality or worst fault? Red rag to a bull! I have decided that whilst I will always take suggestions, I am going to continue doing things myself, my way. Very long drawn out and sometimes ridiculous because of the way I think. I like the process of doing things and setting out a procedure that works for me. My method is merely trial and error, but I get there in the end and have the satisfaction that I was responsible for most of it, and I have overall control and responsibility for it. A marketing person who follows my page advised that a reel would work well for my book, and he was right. I turned my trailer that Austin Macauley created and turned it into a reel, having spent most of Saturday working out first what a reel was and then taking it from a You Tube trailer to a reel, something most 12 year olds could do inside five minutes. But hey I am almost sixty years old and I enjoy learning and finding solutions that suit my methods, and yes I will allow myself to be a little smug, that I achieved it. It is not as polished as some of the things my followers create but it is a start. The point I am making in my usual round the houses way is that the people I have been lucky enough to engage with either by following them or them following me or hopefully both could not be called friends in the truest sense, most of you live in a different Continent, but I look forward to your amusing anecdotes or questions that you pose and the support you have given me, and I hope I return some of that to you. I am irreverent and sometimes on the line of offensive, in my views, but honest. I look forward to continuing to chat and learn from you all, you make the act of promoting my book very enjoyable. Hopefully my Face Book Page followers will continue to rise, and the groups we are all members of, are important to me, but you are the nucleus of people that have kept me going these first three months as a published author. I like most authors or writers if we were sensible would have thrown in the towel especially when my promotion seems to have created zero sales. It’s my fault I wrote the book I wanted to write, despite it containing bondage, submission and polyamorous relationships to address many questions and argument’s I wanted to ask myself. So until I find a readership that is brave enough to take up the challenge of my book that I have written as an author, I will enjoy writing creatively to my friends in the author and writing community. It is a nice way to spend my day. Thank you all again for your interactions and for putting up with my sometimes long winded but hopefully entertaining diatribes.

My first book “The Unwanted Gifts” is available at

I have a Face Book Page and Instagram account both at


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