As a man born firmly in the twentieth-century, with values more aligned to the Victorian period (that is to my mind a good thing, not a bad thing, if you weren't sure.) You try to help protect the weaker and more vulnerable and act gallantly whenever possible.
I have struggled to master, or gain the rudiments of marketing and particularly social media. I understood the concept, you follow people with similar aims or doing similar things that can assist to spread the word about your product, in this case my book. They may be logical targets like book reviewers or book sellers but you use these followers to hopefully gain interest in your book and gain you more followers to spread the word further. I have previously always steered away from social media platforms until very recently for one simple reason. I am not very interested in what people do, have or think, I am probably a little too wrapped up in trying to achieve my aims to bother about anyone else, be they writing, playing guitar or keyboard, drawing and art and photography. Also social media sometimes appears to me at least to be a means by which people can state how wonderful their lives, families and holidays always are. It seems sometimes to be like a shop window, unreal, people rarely say that their husbands and wives or children are horrible or that their holiday was a disaster, which must at least sometimes be the case. I did not struggle with setting up the social media accounts but I have struggled to create the posts, something any teenager would achieve in ten minutes has taken me 2 or 3 hours. However, it was a challenge and it is less so now as I get quicker or more proficient at working out how to achieve the practicalities of getting words and photo's uploaded or posted. Whether the content is as good as it should be, I leave you to judge, just don't tell me if it's not!
I have posted two reviews and a book drop outside Kings Cross with this blog proving I am at least trying, whether it bears as much fruit as any of us would like who knows. The book has been published we keep working away on marketing and the next book. If you don't try you will never succeed, plus what would I be doing if I wasn't writing chapters and blogs. I honestly can't imagine, it's what I do. Happy blogging!

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