My first book, “The Unwanted Gifts” came out on 3, March 2023, so I have been a published author for two months. I am not a natural at social media and marketing having only had a Face Book account for two years. I come from a time when such things were mere dreams, some may say social media has also caused its fair share of nightmares too. Whilst I achieved nothing in my first month, I discovered book groups as a possible means of promoting my book. However, whilst my figures on my Face Book Page and on Instagram have risen for me alarmingly against the first month when I began to wonder if I existed at all even as an author. I now have almost 50 followers on my Face Book Page and soaring numbers associated with them which I probably only pretend to understand, and they may not have even contributed to any sales of my actual book. I have come to look forward to reading thoughts and stories by other authors, some further down the road of at least being heard of. This makes a sometimes arduous and seemingly futile job of self-promotion, to have some substance, knowing that the majority of other authors are going through or have gone through the same problems. The support this gives I find incredible, almost making me go from throwing in the towel (what else would I do that was as challenging and satisfying) to wanting to finish my next book "Unwrapping Gifts" and starting a more publicly accessible series I have started formulating whilst continuing the book I first wrote, my book and series of choice, a romantic love story involving the lead male character Alec Davidson who is in many ways quite similar to me, and the different female characters in there erotic and loving alternative lifestyle. As a footnote I have now created my first reel from the You Tube book trailer that Austin Macauley created, and I now have almost a hundred followers to my Face Book Page, so progress and a very steep learning curve.

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